Quickstart Guide

Our computing library is a Python library build on top of PyCOMPSs that provides distributed mathematical and machine learning algorithms through an easy-to-use interface. There are two ways that you can get started with our library. You can follow a manual installation, or you can download our ready-to-use docker image.

Manual Installation


Our library requires:

  • pyCOMPSs>=2.7
  • Scikit-learn>=0.19.1
  • Scipy>=1.0.0
  • NumPy>=1.15.4
  • cvxpy>=1.1.5

Note: Some of the examples also require matplotlib>=2.0.0.

Installation Steps

  1. Check the pyCOMPSs version to install.
    • Our latest library requires pyCOMPSs 2.7 or greater (check here for information about other releases.)
  2. Install pyCOMPSs following these instructions.
  3. Install our latest library version with pip3 install library
    • package requires the ‘pycompss’ Python module.
  4. You can check whether everything is working fine by running one of these examples:
    • Download the latest source code here.
    • Run an example application.
      runcompss --python_interpreter=python3 our library-X.Y.Z/examples/kmeans.py

Set-up Docker

1. Installing Docker and Docker-py

1.Follow these instructions:

2.Add user to docker group to run our library as a non-root user.

3.Check that Docker is correctly installed

docker --version
docker ps # this should be empty as no docker processes are running yet

4.Install docker-py

pip3 install library

2. Installing our Library

pip3 install library

This should add our library executable to your path.

3. Starting our Library in your Development Directory

Initialize our library where your source code will be. Then this will allow Docker to access your local code and run it inside the container.

# Without a path it operates on the current working directory.
our library init

# You can also provide a path
our library init/home/user/replace/path/

4. Running Applications

  • Note: running the docker library does not work with applications with GUI or with visual plots such as examples/clusteriing_comparison.py

1.Clone our library repo and check out release branch vX.Y.Z:

git clone https://github.com/bsc-wdc/library.git

2.Init our library environment in the root of the repo. Initialize the library in a current directory and check whether the paths are correct running the file with python3 path-to/file.py

cd our library
our library Init
our library exec example/rf_iris.py

3.You can also init the library inside the example folder. This will mount the examples directory inside the container so you can execute it without adding the path:

cd library/examples
library init
library exec rf_iris.py

5. Running Jupyter Notebooks

1.Run the following snippet from the root of the project:

our library init
our library jupyter ./notebooks
  • An alternative way of starting jupyter is using our library run command in the following way: our library run jupyter-notebook ./notebooks --ip= --allow-root

2.Access to your notebook by ctrl-clicking or copy pasting into the browser the link shown on the CLI(e.g.

3.If you encounter this warning The port 8889 is already in use, trying another port, you can fix it by restarting our library container with our library init.

6. Adding More Nodes

There are two ways to add more computing nodes:

1.Let docker create more workers for you:

  • Issue the desired number of workers to be added. For example, our library components add worker 2

2.Manually create and config a custom node:

  • If you want to add a custom node, it is necessary to be reachable through ssh without user. Our library will try to copy the working_dir there, so it needs to write permissions for the scp. As an example: our library components add worker